Get your Own Social Multimedia Platform
with The Imagy Software:
Create your Life Timelines
& Digital Musem
Manage your Archive & Sell Custom Merch
Widgets: Exposure in other Websites & Metrics
Digital Sponsor: Monetize
Do you want to hit the mark in monetizing and enhancing your digital fans experience?
Designed to monetize and enhance your connection with millions of fans worldwide. Designed to make you earn the same digits you have in social media followers in income. Create your best content for social media with our innovative Fan Engagement solution. Seamlessly integrated into your personal brand and tailored to your unique identity and style, our platform offers fast, easy, and highly efficient service powered by advanced native technology.
Monetize, share your real story, be loved
For what I need a branded platform? To share your story from the beginning, to be even more loved by your fans, to generate income. Why wait more? 🙂
Get your license now
What can The Imagy do for you?
Get to know the features available for your brand
Automatic watermark system
Enjoy for free our innovative watermarking solution included in your license. How does it work? Adds your branding and photographer’s name automatically when pictures are being uploaded. We also offer the possibility of adding a digital sponsor to your photos.
- Upload as many images as you want
- Automatic watermark will be added
- Branded watermark placement
Widgets to embed your images in other websites; earn money
Similar to the Youtube embed system, allow any user to share your branded images. Measure the performance and allow any website to showcase your branded content.
- HTML5 branded widget
- Allow other websites to showcase your images
- Track & measure each single impression on external websites
Engineered with the most modern technologies
Blue line: Our blazing tech stack performance and low CPU consumption.
Red line: PHP language performance (which WordPress and majority of software use)
- Node js as primary language: light performance and high speed
- React and Nextjs for amazing user experience
- ElasticSearch and NoSQL technologies put together for blazing database operations